CallSign Flag

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CallSign Flag

Post by w5jhc »

I did a quick search to see if there was a way to see if a callsign has been contacted or not before. Be it a look up on qrz or a list of call signs that are exported and searched via an xml file that the pi-star could reference and look up on demand or as it populates on the list..

Think if you are working TG's for contacts and someone you have talked to pops up you would know to ignore or maybe investigate the chat to pick up where you last left off.. OR maybe there is no contact flagged so you can easily try to strike up a qso .

If this is a feature w/in the pi-star please point me in that direction.

thanks and 73!
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Joined: Wed Apr 11, 2018 12:10 pm

Re: CallSign Flag

Post by G4FDL »

PiStar has no concept of a QSO, it configures MMDVMHost that takes data frames from the modem and sends them to a server and the same in reverse. For example with DMR you receive data from a DMR ID and send data to a talk group but only you are aware of being in a conversation or not.

Keeping track of who you talk? That is what log books are for.
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