icom ic-e80d runnung with pistar

Help with D-Star related issues
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icom ic-e80d runnung with pistar

Post by dh3ybe »


I want to share my experience with programming the icom ic-e80d handheld transceiver with pistar hotspot with mmdvm-simplex-hat.

I configured the hotspot and did update and upgrad of trhe pi-star system and of the mmdvm-firmware.

Receiving signals work very well and even i could change an the pistar admin area the server or reflectors. But as a lot of OMs I had the problem of not recognizing my transmission of the ic-e80d.

This forum was a very good exerience data base for me. Together with the manuals of the trx and a lot of other web sides (amateurradio notes from toshen are very useful). So it was clear for me 8 digits call signs, "DH3YBE B" as hotspot, "DH3YBE G" as gateway call, DUP- and 0 MHz offset, UR, MY, RPT1, RPT2 and so on.

First of all, use the "life log" opportunity in pistar, because you can see there, if there is HF D-Star signal, even when pi-star soft is that not recognizing as addressed to the hotspot.

The main problem was not the hotspot and not the transceiver, it was the person in front of that :D .
A big amount of threads in this forum on ICOM topics did say, user not "DV" use "DR". So I figured that out.

The programming of the ic-e80d with the cloning software was even not the problem.

The Problem was to recognize, that you have to use the tranceiver in special manner. So if the repeaters are programmend in the transceiver, you should not think, that you only have to call up this memory and thats it.
No, yo have to tell the tranceiver, which memory you want to use, which YourCall UR you need AND have to say, that he has to use th gateway "GW".

That works like the following manner:
1. press button "DR" and search for your hotspot entry, which you programmed in the repeeter memory channel (repeater call "call B", gateway call "call G", DUPLEX-, offset 0.0 MHz, USE R1.
2. press button "UR" longer 1 second and fetch your Yourcall UR from the yourcall-memory-list (e. g. "CQCQCQ ", " E", " I", "DCS001CL", ...). "USE REFLECTOR" or "USE REPEATER" could not be programmed, because the amount of letters is to big for the transceiver.
3. press "UR" logner 1 second and swith from "NOT USED" to "GW" for gateway, which is programmed in the corresponding repeater memory.

Point 3 in the list is very important. I did not recognize that very well from the manual. You can find it on page 56 and 58 in the german and english manual.

Another hint: for programming memories and so on by means of the windows cloning software, the programming plug of the cable has to be inserted in the loudspeaker connector and not in "data in". Last connector has a smaller diameter.

Now, I am happy and the transceiver works very well with pistar software and mmdvm hat. Thanks for the great peace of software and firmware and thanks for this forum.

I wish you the best for the year 2021
Stay Save and Keep Healthy

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