How to config on Pi-Star

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How to config on Pi-Star

Post by PD4MM » Mon Jul 30, 2018 11:22 am

Hello, is this the correct setting for Pi-star?

The Dapnet Authkey is the key what i have receiving from Dapnet, and what mus fil in in expert Dapnet API, is the pass the same Authkey or the passw on Dapnet site?
And what is the TRxarea, wht code is this?
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.24.53.png
Dapnet API
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.24.53.png (15.32 KiB) Viewed 15875 times
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.19.41.png
MMDVM file
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.19.41.png (36.77 KiB) Viewed 15876 times
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.19.00.png
Config file.
Schermafdruk 2018-07-30 13.19.00.png (37.2 KiB) Viewed 15876 times


73's PD4MM QPO


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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by W1KMC » Mon Jul 30, 2018 1:13 pm

OK, you have 4 different screenshots kind of melded together, so let me break this down for you:

Configuration->put in pi-star/raspberry [standards unless you changed your password] as username and password - only happens the first time that day as it creates a cookie that expires when you close the browser.

If you have pOCSAG turned on - and by the 4th screen shot you do, scroll down to that screenshot - POCSAG Configuration and input the following:

Leave the 1st (POCSAG Server)and 3rd (POCSAG Frequency)alone * if you changed your frequency, to that of something suitable to your country, I believe this is changed elsewhere and will update accordingly when changed properly)

POCSAG Callsign is your TRANSMITTER's Callsign(typically your own) PD4MM in the Screen Shot

DAPNET Auth Key is the long 'passorod they sent you when you requested the TRANSMITTER.

POCSAG Whitelist threw me a bit as it is mislabeled for what it is (you have it correct -- these are your RIC's (Capcodes in US) you have 0044135 this was assigned to you when you requested an ACCOUNT. You may have more than one for things like te rubric (don't know if those would be useful to you OR how to use them), so fo now you are set. Apply Changes (if you mad any)

Now on to the DAPNET API -- configuration -> Expert -> DAPNET API -- your first screen shot

Now in this one they actually want your Account information (how you login to the site

The USer is normally your call sign and your Pass(word) is the password from the website
The TRX area is how many transmitters you want to set off. e.g. all -- this will send the message to every tansmitter that is online (so if someone is paging you it traverses the entire system -- for me, as I am in the US I can set mine to us-all and only US transmitters and set off only say, 20 tansmitters instead of 500. on the site (once logged in) you can see the list of transmit areas and choose the correct one for your country.

Apply Changes

The other two POCSAG places (in the MMDVM Host page -- leave alone unless you are positive you know what you are doing) with the exception of a frequency change if you must to comply with your country.

Now for a quick test, I am assuming you have a pager - if not you'll need to eitehr get one or an SDR to see if the messages come through.

Configuration -> Expert -> SSH Access (or if you have an SSH program like PuTTY that you like better, use that)
Login is pi-star
password is raspberry (unless of course you changed it)

when you get pi-star@pi-star(ro):~ type sudo pistar-dapnetapi pd4mm 'Hello World - this is a test" [enter] this should set off your pager in a few seconds or so - if it does not try it again but this tile after the message put a space and debug so it looks like this:

sudo pistar-dapnetapi pd4mm 'Hello World - this is a test" debug [enter]

I hope this gets you started and happy paging.

I am no developer, guru, expert, nor do I claim to be or want to be. All advice I give is purely from experience and my efforts to help others.

W1KMC - Kevin M Carman
Bangor, ME
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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by AF6FB » Wed Aug 22, 2018 8:18 pm

I followed your instructions for setting up POCSAG. But, I am having problems.

I turned on LiveLogs and I see the POCSAG settings and where it connects to the POCSAG network.

I have tried the script for sending messages, sometimes it times out, sometimes I get what looks like a good response. I have tried both of the servers with similar results. Here is an example:

Code: Select all

pi-star@af6fb-zum02(ro):~$ sudo pistar-dapnetapi AF6FB "Does this config work?" debug
 Request to DAPNET API: {
  "text": "AF6FB-ZUM02: Does this config work?",                                     
  "callSignNames": [                                                                 
  "transmitterGroupNames": [                                                         
  "emergency": false                                                                 
Answer from DAPNET API: {                                                            
  "text": "AF6FB-ZUM02: Does this config work?",                                     
  "callSignNames": [                                                                 
  "transmitterGroupNames": [                                                         
  "emergency": false,                                                                
  "timestamp": "2018-08-22T19:56:34.664Z",                                           
  "ownerName": "AF6FB"                                                               
At this point, I don't see anything in the log when I try to send a page and shows my transmitter as offline.

Incidentally, I tried sending a message to a call sign not in the POCSAG database. I received an error, so I think I'm getting to the server...except when it times out.

The attachment 2018-08-22 Pocsag Config.png is no longer available
Can someone else try sending a message to AF6FB to see if it works when it's from a different call?

What else can I look at to get this working?

Update: I can see my messages on, My transmitter is still offline however.

Michael AF6FB
2018-08-22 Pocsag Config.png
2018-08-22 Pocsag Config.png (21.55 KiB) Viewed 15530 times

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by 2E0LGZ » Sat Aug 25, 2018 10:50 am

I’m having the same issues,i SSH sudo pistar-dapnetapi 2e0lgz “test call” debug.....and it is clearly displayed that my “test call” has transmitted but yet i dont get a message on my pager and it says my transmitter is offline on the Dapnet website....all fields in pistar are filled in correctly too
Gary 2E0LGZ

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by G0UJA » Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:15 am

Gary, you have probably sorted this now and I am sure most of the problems you had were due to the DAPNET 'outage' but I did see you sending a number of test messages across the network last night (26/8) which all came through fine.

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by 2E0LGZ » Mon Aug 27, 2018 12:25 pm

Hi James i wasnt aware of the outage on dapnet but yep everything seems to be fine now but not all tests were coming through but hey ho however i found it easier to remove my ric number out of the ‘whitelist’ section but now working fine sorry to be a pain if you were receiving those messages hi hi
best regards
Gary 2E0LGZ

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by G0UJA » Mon Aug 27, 2018 6:00 pm

No problem, the only reason I saw them is because I happened to have PDW on screen and was seeing everything coming across the network.

I am actually quite pleased to have my first POCSAG 'QSO' hi!

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by 2E0LGZ » Mon Aug 27, 2018 10:04 pm

put me in the log under ‘pocsag dx’ haha 👍

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Re: How to config on Pi-Star

Post by MW0MWZ » Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:34 am

Just in case anyone else arrives here, the Italian server is a separate network to the rest of DAPNet (sadly).

The DAPNET guys are in the process of making a new core server application, once that is done they expect to start taking connections from more "masters" again.

73 de MW0MWZ

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