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Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:13 pm
FYI, Andy Taylor recently shared this:
DAPNET API Command line;

So I spent a little time writing up the expert tool for adding/editing the required file to enable the DAPNET API tool:

You can find it in the expert editors;
So - whats the point you may well ask - well, once you add your dapnet user details (NOT your transmitter account details) you can then send pages directly form the command line on Pi-Star, but what is the point? well maybe you are a repeater keeper, and you want your repeater to tell you when it's too hot, basically if you can write a script, you can send some output to a pager.

The CLI looks like this:
pi-star@pi-star-dmr(ro):~$ sudo pistar-dapnetapi MW0MWZ "This is a test message, please ignore it"

You will see on the pager pic that the messages sent from the API are always prefixed with the hostname, this is to help you work out what system is sending you messages.

The script only uses curl, its written in bash and so you could use that an the config file with your API login info in it on any other linux system too.

TRX Groups can be found here:
(You need to be logged in on the website)


Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2018 8:40 am
Thank you for re-posting :)