WiresX Auto Passthrough

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WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by MW0MWZ »

If you are using the YSF2xxx cross-over modes, and Pi-Star v4, you might want to play about with a new option...

After working with Jonathan we've come up with a method to pass WiresX commands to the YSF2xxx gateways, so now you can turn on all of the YSF2xxx modes on your YSF hotspot, and drive it ALL form the radio...

The idea is that YSF and FCS reflectors work like they always did, however now when you connect to YSF2DMR, YSF2NXDN or YSF2P25, the gateway will pass your WiresX commands to the gateway until you unlink, so in YSF2DMR, you can choose reflectors from the radio (use Brandmeister for the best results at the moment, the other networks will catch up soon). When you unlink, it will unlink the YSF2DMR TG, and unlink from YSF2DMR allowing you to switch to a new home.

YSF2NXDN is very much the same, once you connect, the WiresX commands are passed into the YSF2NXDN until you send a WiresX unlink, allowing you to swap TG from the radio.

YSF2P25 needs a little work (already spoken to Andy CA6JAU about that), it works, but will not cleanly unlink - I've added an Unlink option to the menu for this one, you may want to use that before unlinking for now.

So for me, I now leave all the YSF modes on, and set them all to link to nothing - and can drive it all from the radio - it's like a whole new world.

This *IS* coming to Pi-Star 3.4.x in a few days - the Pi-Star v4 guys get to try it out first.

All feedback is welcome.

EDIT: YSF2P25 has been improved, Andy (CA6JAU) added in the sendPTT function for me, and I made a small addition to send the PTTs when you connect from WiresX command - this mode now works like the others - the only thing you have to remember on YSF2P25 is to turn off WiresX on the radio and set the mode to VW to transmit audio.

73 de MW0MWZ
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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by g0bvz »

Cor! Still working on the YSF then... :-)
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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by MW0MWZ »

Absolutely :) What's more, I expect there is still more to come too :)

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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by K4WZV »

Andy, you are awesome !! All very much appreciated.Take care and the very best...
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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by on6dp »

I would like passthrough WIRES-X to my room from the TG20602 in both senses. How to do ?
Is it possible ?
Any solution ?
Paul, ON6DP
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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by MW0MWZ »

Not sure I understand what you want - can you explain what you want to do?

WiresX is the Yaesu protocol, in this instance I am talking about passing WiresX commands to the YSF2DMR/YSF2NXDN and YSF2P25 gateways that are on Pi-Star.

If you are talking about linking to WiresX rooms - that's not something Pi-Star can do at this time.

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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by MW0MWZ »

YSF2P25 got rather better today, Worked with Andy CA6JAU, he added ptt commands, and I made some minor tweaks, YSF2P25 working really well with WiresX and now WiresX passthrough too.

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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by VK2YMU »

Fantastic feature.
I have a problem with it, Radio is a FTM100D
Using YSF2P25 on the Pi-Star, Ysfgateway is patched with WiresXCommandPassthrough=1 and WiresXMakeUpper=1

I place the radio in Wirex by pressing the Dx button then pressing with a long press of the Band button
This opens the selection screen, I select All then press the Disp button, the screen populates with the available hosts, I select the desired host, the radio acknowledges that this was ok.

Here is the problem, I place the radio in VW (Wide Mode) TX or RX is not working, the Pi-Star did not link according to the radio, dashboard indicates it has yet when returning to wirex mode on the radio the selected talkgroup is flashing, this is an unlinked indication.
Repeating the Wires search, now only results in the YSF host list and not the P25 list as before.

Only way to return to normal is to do an Apply Changes, then I can repeat the above.

If we an get this to work it will be a great feature, thank you for the efforts applied to this.
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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by K5MRE »


I added a link to pull TGList_TGIF if you want to update to add it when users select TGIF.


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Re: WiresX Auto Passthrough

Post by K5MRE »

It seems to be a bit flakey.

See the log below. Notice the initial connection to TG 103 went through YSF2DMR fine. However, hanging then over to TG 101, it treated it like it was a FCS reflector. Same with the next two tries to TG 102 and even back to TG 103 again.

I'm testing from an FTM-100D. I've been running direct to YSF2DMR for a while without issues, so it seems to be related to whatever was added to try and detect whether the group I'm giving it is supposed to be YSF/FCS or a YSF2DMR talk group.

pi-star@mmdvm(rw):pi-star$ tail -f YSF2DMR-2019-02-02.log
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:27.137 DMR ID of K5MRE: 3123589, DstID: TG 201
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:27.939 YSF received end of voice transmission, 0.8 seconds
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:43.487 Received YSF Header: Src: K5MRE/MIKE Dst: 00201F5TSF
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:43.487 DMR ID of K5MRE: 3123589, DstID: TG 201
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:45.715 YSF received end of voice transmission, 2.2 seconds
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:46.238 DMR ID of K5MRE: 3123589
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:46.238 Connect to TG 103 has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:46.300 DMR ID of K5MRE: 3123589
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:46.300 Connect to TG 103 has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:47.504 Sending PTT: Src: K5MRE/MIKE Dst: TG 103

pi-star@mmdvm(rw):pi-star$ tail -f YSFGateway-2019-02-02.log
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:44.212 0010: 72 20 03 34 *r .4*
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:44.212 GPS Position from K5MRE/MIKE of radio=FTM-100D lat=32.978333 long=-97.411331
M: 2019-02-02 18:25:50.770 APRS ==> K5MRE>APDPRS,C4FM*,qAR,K5MRE-N:!3258.70N/09724.68W> FTM-100D via MMDVM
M: 2019-02-02 18:29:51.241 Disconnect has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:10.431 Connect to 00101 - "FCS00230 " has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:10.513 Linked to FCS002-30
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:29.681 Connect to 00102 - "FCS00231 " has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:29.727 Linked to FCS002-31
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:47.881 Connect to 00103 - "FCS00232 " has been requested by K5MRE/MIKE
M: 2019-02-02 18:30:48.100 Linked to FCS002-32