Hi Folks!
How do you enable the last heard on the Nextion Screen in DMR mode? Is their a option the enable it in pi-star?
Last Heard on Nextion Display
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
It is coded in the Nextion screen programming.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
I have installed the PD0DIB Model 6 3.2 SIMPLEX with Last Heard and LH TalkGroup version. Running with ZumSpot. No joy? Not sure why the LH is not showing. Most all else works as it should, except what is SO touch area respond to on the DMR page? It does not seem to work as well.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Make sure you set layout on config page to “G4KLX” and in config, expert, MMDVMHost, Nextion screen section set screen layout to “3” then if happens again see if pistar set it back to zero, happens from time to time SO touch area is where the code for Last heard is typically embedded.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Got itI Thanks for the comments! You have to change the screen layout in pi-star to 3. I was not clear on that.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
I had the pleasure of messaging back and forth with Andy Taylor and now I’m the latest version of pi-Star we have an option on the configuration page of “ON7LDS 3” That is the setting you want, no more G4KLX with the conflicting 3 in the expert Nextion section which pi-Star would reset occasionally. Another nice addition is you may update your Pi Star from the config menu and upgrade from the expert page. Just make sure to repeat upgrade until it says already current like before. So many improvements! Andy rocks!!!
Last edited by WA6HXG on Wed Jul 11, 2018 6:06 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Ryan or Andy, can you explain the difference between ON7LDS L2, ON7LDS L3, and ON7LDS L3 HS? Thanks.
73, Toshen, KE0FHS
Playing with Pi-Star (unofficial notes about setting up and using Pi-Star):
Playing with Pi-Star (unofficial notes about setting up and using Pi-Star):
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Never mind, I found the answer on GitHub. It's amazing how much I'm learning through using Pi-Star ... a few months ago I didn't even know what GitHub was. Nice!
https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMHost/blob ... /README-L3
https://github.com/g4klx/MMDVMHost/blob ... /README-L3
73, Toshen, KE0FHS
Playing with Pi-Star (unofficial notes about setting up and using Pi-Star):
Playing with Pi-Star (unofficial notes about setting up and using Pi-Star):
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Screen Layout:
0 Is the G4KLX Layout
2 or ON7LDS L2: Layout 2 is a no-nonsense layout. It is the original (G4KLX) layout with the Talker Alias added. TA color and fonts size can not be changed. At least not easily.
3 or ON7LDS L3: Layout 3 (as is L3 HS) is a layout without any predefined layout options (color, fonts). It sends the fields and information about what was sent to the display, so all layout processing can and should be done in the display itself.
4 or ON7LDS L3 HS: Is the same as L3 but instead of 9600 baud rate 115200 is enabled.
For more details see the Github page for g4klx/MMDVMHost
For my screen layouts check out https://github.com/WA6HXG/MMDVM-Nextion-Screen-Layouts
There you will find the Readme.md file explains all the details about the screen layout files available and an Instructions.md will explain everything about getting Nextion screens,connected, simple Nextion editing, and getting files compiled and to Nextion screens. (Must be viewed in Desktop Mode)
0 Is the G4KLX Layout
2 or ON7LDS L2: Layout 2 is a no-nonsense layout. It is the original (G4KLX) layout with the Talker Alias added. TA color and fonts size can not be changed. At least not easily.
3 or ON7LDS L3: Layout 3 (as is L3 HS) is a layout without any predefined layout options (color, fonts). It sends the fields and information about what was sent to the display, so all layout processing can and should be done in the display itself.
4 or ON7LDS L3 HS: Is the same as L3 but instead of 9600 baud rate 115200 is enabled.
For more details see the Github page for g4klx/MMDVMHost
For my screen layouts check out https://github.com/WA6HXG/MMDVM-Nextion-Screen-Layouts
There you will find the Readme.md file explains all the details about the screen layout files available and an Instructions.md will explain everything about getting Nextion screens,connected, simple Nextion editing, and getting files compiled and to Nextion screens. (Must be viewed in Desktop Mode)
Last edited by WA6HXG on Sat Jun 02, 2018 5:03 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Re: Last Heard on Nextion Display
Beat me to it. Github is awesome! Thank you for your tutorials, I hope you don't mind, I give your site address to hams new to digital modes all the time. It is an invaluable resource for all of us and I very much appreciate it!
Last edited by WA6HXG on Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:10 am, edited 2 times in total.