NX4827T043 - Duplex layout

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NX4827T043 - Duplex layout

Post by G7OMN »

I've done a bit of a swap about here and upgraded one of my hotspots to a dual HAT.
I've then added a 4.3 basic Nextion screen and using PD0DIB's NX4827T043_Model 10-4.3inch_DPLX_Basic_v1.05.hmi build.
ON7LDS driver is loaded and populating the fields on the idle screen.

What I have noticed and I can't fathom out is from the default stripped.csv (or users .csv) file that in the DMR display, that fields that represent Full name and city are being combined into the t19 field and the State name is being shown in the t20 field.
I know that fields can be combined in the expert/MMDVMHost/Nextiondriver options - but they aren't - see attachment.

I did wonder if i had mistakenly changed something in Pi-star, but it would appear not, as i have done a clean build this evening and the problem persists.

It's like the Pi-star, or the display is assuming that there should be a separate field for Family name? (Fields #DMRidName and #DMRidX1)
This is confirmed, if I insert an empty column between full name and City, the fields then populate correctly.
Am I missing something?
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