Not all messages from a transmit sequence are decoded...

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Not all messages from a transmit sequence are decoded...

Post by dl9sec » Sun May 05, 2024 3:26 pm


I have a most up to date MMDVM Dual Hat hotspot (FW 1.6.1) with a Pi Zero 2W an Pi-Star (4.2.1) running here with DAPNET enabled since a few days.
The system seems to run fine so far.

Yesterday I noticed, that my Flipper Zero "Pocsag Pager" application has obviously problems decoding message sequences, when two or more messages are transmitted directly to each other. Today I observed a similar behaviour for my Alphapoc 602R (latest model with FW v2.79SI).
Edit: Just for clarification... That doesn't mean, that the problem exists since a few days (I would think a lot longer) but I observed it in my system a few days ago, because I activated POCSAG last week...

See the example from the Pi-Star dashboard attached.
The Alphapoc only decoded the first message of the message sequence of three messages.
Edit: So my conclusion is, that messages are lost at the pager, that should be decoded.

Could it be possible, that the multiple message frames within one transmission are too close together?
Is it somehow possible to increase the time interval between the message transmissions in a parameter in Pi-Star?

Thank you very much.

73, Thorsten DL9SEC
2024-05-05 16_59_24-DL9SEC - Digital Voice Tableau – Mozilla Firefox.png
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