Autolinking to d-star nets only after n-minutes of inactivity rather than a set time?

Help with D-Star related issues
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Autolinking to d-star nets only after n-minutes of inactivity rather than a set time?

Post by KC1LSN »


I have my hotspot set to auto-link to some D-star nets on Sunday night using the following, and this syntax creates an issue when the 1st net runs over into the second thus auto-disconnecting mid conversation:

Code: Select all

#Sunday Night PAWA Net - 6:50pm unlink, 6:55pm link to ref, unlink covered by next auto link
50 18 * * 0 root remotecontrold XXXXXX_b unlink
55 18 * * 0 root remotecontrold XXXXXX_b link never xlx097_b
#Sunday Night Dstar net - 8:01pm unlink, 8:02pm link to ref, 1am unlink
01 20 * * 0 root remotecontrold XXXXXX_b unlink
02 20 * * 0 root remotecontrold XXXXXX_b link never ref091_c
0 1 * * 1 root remotecontrold XXXXXX_b unlink
I am not terribly knowledgeable/experienced with cron jobs, so asking for some help: Is there a way to change the syntax to run the commands for the second d-star net based on a n minutes of inactivity rather than at an absolute time?

Thank you for the help.

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