Code: Select all
╚═$: sudo python3 /usr/local/bin/Nextion/ /usr/local/bin/Nextion/MISC/NX3224T024-SV5BYP-DUPLEX-L3-DMRver2_2.tft /dev/ttyAMA0 NX3224T024
Trying with baudrate: 2400...
Trying with baudrate: 4800...
Trying with baudrate: 9600...
Trying with baudrate: 19200...
Trying with baudrate: 38400...
Trying with baudrate: 57600...
Trying with baudrate: 115200...
Trying with baudrate: 230400...
Could not find baudrate
Do I need to stop the NextionDriver and MMDVMHost tasks first? Or is there a config setting or parameter somewhere that's missing or incorrect?