Connecting to Zumspot (PiStar)

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Connecting to Zumspot (PiStar)

Post by NO8J »

I've been using the Zumspot with my FT-70D for several years now and have had no issue. I'm able to connect in using the HT's WIRES-X commands, change reflectors and disconnect from them just fine. Works perfect!

I recently picked up a FTM-500DR for the car. If there is no WIRES-X repeaters in the areas when traveling, I will use a Pistar in the car, tethered to my mobile phone as a hotspot. Here is the problem. With the FTM-500DR, when I press the WIRES-X (red DX) button, it will not connect in reliably - it may take a dozen, or more tries to connect. What I have found that does work, if I key the radio for several seconds, unkey then use the WIRES-X button it will connect in just fine and I can pick a YSF reflector and all seems well. I am getting a BER 0f 0.1-0.3% with the FTM-500DR.

The FT-70D handheld continues to work fine.

I contacted Yaesu tech support and they were aware of the problem. Their explanation? The PiStar is not WIRES-X and either the BER is too high, the deviation is too wide/narrow or frequency is slightly off. They claim their WIRES-X system is more tolerant then the Pistar. They also told me that if I sent the radio in to have it serviced they can't guarantee that it will resolve the issue connecting to the pistar.

Has anyone else experienced this and if so, how did they resolve this? I've ordered a service manual for the FTM=500, but it won't be here for at least 4-6 weeks. I don't even know how to get into the service menu.

Many thanks!

73 de NO8J
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Re: Connecting to Zumspot (PiStar)

Post by M1DNS »

Change the rx offset value on mmdvmhost expert page make very small adjustments . Voice has FEC applied to it whereas the data burst doesnt plus the data burst is such a short tx ur prob. missing it for the current offset.

Holding the ptt "wakes" everything up, locks the mode etc. The data burst is a "cold" quick tx with 0 error correction.

Sent via smoke signals using my SM-G935F

Andrew M1DNS.
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Re: Connecting to Zumspot (PiStar)

Post by NO8J »

I'm not all that well versed on this Fusion format and am ready to just throw in the towel and say the hell with it. I talked to Yaesu tech support and was told they don't support only their WiresX systems.

I've spent hours trying to resolve this and am getting more frustrated than it's worth. I've been told that Fusion is easier than DMR. That has not been my experience. DMR works perfectly with PiStar, which is more than I can say for Yaesu's top-of-the-line Fusion transceiver.

73, NO8J
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Re: Connecting to Zumspot (PiStar)

Post by G8SEZ »

The problem is that some of the critical fields in the C4FM frame headers are not protected against bit errors, the result is that small frequency offsets can corrupt these bits and the protocol breaks.

Yaesu are in the business of selling radios, everything outside of Wires-X is developed by non-Yaesu technical people and that's why they don't offer support.

If your C4FM radio is off frequency a little and your Pi-Star or Zumspot is too then you are likely to suffer with this. Without better CRC protection against bit errors then the only solution is to try changing the Pi-Star Rx frequency in 100Hz steps up to potentially 1.5kHz in each direction and see if it works for you.

Wish I could be more help.

Brian G8SEZ
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