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Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:07 pm
by N3MNT
Try this:
cd /tmp

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:42 pm
by W9KJO
WU0V wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 3:25 pm There needs to be a space between the command and the target. Thus: cd<space>/tmp
Yep the simple space. LOL

Thanks 73

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 6:46 pm
by W9KJO
Ok so I have the ON7LDS driver installed on my Pi but my Nextion 2.4 is connected to the Modem port.

I tried following the instructions given but I must not ve understanding how to setup the settings.

I went back to configuration and set the display to Modem again and I get partial information but not the full function.

Perhaps someone could give clearer setting instructions for us really dense layman types, like me. I am sure I am misunderstanding something and I have tried a few times now.

At least it is somewhat working.

Thanks 73, Walter

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:41 pm
by WU0V
Walter, when you say you don’t get the full function, do you mean—for example—that the reboot and shutdown buttons don’t do anything? If that’s the case, it’s because connecting via the modem connection won’t work for those functions. I had to change over to USB for those to work. There’s supposed to be an upgrade of the Model 8 screens sometime in the future that may allow those buttons to work via the modem connection.
I have my J-Spot/Pi 0 W/Nextion 3.5 setup connected through the USB port now (originally had it through the modem port); the onscreen buttons work now, and I get CPU load, temp, CPU speed, etc. onscreen. The only function that doesn’t work is Disk Free, it just shows “??”

Here’s something to check. SSH in as you did to install the driver.
cd /dev
ls (this will display a list of all the files in the /dev folder)
look for a file named ttyNextionDriver

If it’s not there that might be the problem. To put it there, while still SSH-ed in, do this—
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/NextionDriver /dev/ttyNextionDriver
(This copies and renames the nextion driver to the /dev folder)
sudo reboot now (reboots so the newly copied driver is picked up by the config function)

If it’s there and you still don’t get it working I can share the config and expert settings I used to get mine working via USB if you want them. You’ll need a USB to TTL converter in that case—I think mine was $6.
Also, I’ve been assuming your Pi-Star system and dashboard are the latest versions and that your Jumbospot firmware is at least V1.4.8 (1.4.12 is current). If those aren’t recent, the Nextion driver needs them updated.

Lee, WU0V

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:03 pm
by W9KJO
WU0V wrote: Thu Nov 29, 2018 7:41 pm Walter, when you say you don’t get the full function, do you mean—for example—that the reboot and shutdown buttons don’t do anything? If that’s the case, it’s because connecting via the modem connection won’t work for those functions. I had to change over to USB for those to work. There’s supposed to be an upgrade of the Model 8 screens sometime in the future that may allow those buttons to work via the modem connection.
I have my J-Spot/Pi 0 W/Nextion 3.5 setup connected through the USB port now (originally had it through the modem port); the onscreen buttons work now, and I get CPU load, temp, CPU speed, etc. onscreen. The only function that doesn’t work is Disk Free, it just shows “??”

Here’s something to check. SSH in as you did to install the driver.
cd /dev
ls (this will display a list of all the files in the /dev folder)
look for a file named ttyNextionDriver

If it’s not there that might be the problem. To put it there, while still SSH-ed in, do this—
sudo cp /usr/local/bin/NextionDriver /dev/ttyNextionDriver
(This copies and renames the nextion driver to the /dev folder)
sudo reboot now (reboots so the newly copied driver is picked up by the config function)

If it’s there and you still don’t get it working I can share the config and expert settings I used to get mine working via USB if you want them. You’ll need a USB to TTL converter in that case—I think mine was $6.
Also, I’ve been assuming your Pi-Star system and dashboard are the latest versions and that your Jumbospot firmware is at least V1.4.8 (1.4.12 is current). If those aren’t recent, the Nextion driver needs them updated.

Lee, WU0V
Ok those do not work through the Modem. That says all I need to know.

Thanks. I can fill in some stuff manually to fill in fields that would be nice to display.

Thanks, 73 Walter

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Thu Nov 29, 2018 8:18 pm
by N3MNT
If you haven't done this you need to do this as the sleep function will cause it to lock up.
go on SSH on pi-star expert mode.
> rpi-rw
>cd /etc
>sudo nano mmdvmhost
under NextionDriver section add this lines :
save by pressing Ctrl and O
exit by pressing Ctrl and X
restart pi-star and check pi-star expert mmdvmhost page
For me it worked just fine

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:28 pm
by KB4NC
I also am having a problem installing the on7lds Nextion Driver on my ZumSpot running ZumSpot - Raspberry Pi Hat (GPIO). I have a Nextion NX4832K035_011 screen and I was running the Model 7_FLAG_3.5inch_SIMPLEX_v2.2.tft successfully (without some of the extyras) before installing the NextionDriver.

I followed the step-by-step instructions from ... -by-ON7LDS:


log in to your Pi-Star with SSH
Then: cd /tmp
get the software
git clone
sudo NextionDriverInstaller/

no errors during install


log in to your Pi-Star with SSH
cd /tmp
get the software
git clone

NOTE: if you get an error that the destionation path exists, you already downloaded the software. The just ho to the next step.
** I did not get any errors **

sudo NextionDriverInstaller/

no errors. prompted to reboot Pi-Star (Y/n) - I chose Y

Performed Check your software settings in Pi-Star:

Goto the Expert Page => MMDVMHost Editor (or mmdvmhost.ini file) to the Nextion part

check/set in the Nextion part, the driver at /dev/ttyNextionDriver (USB adapter) or /dev/ttyAMA0 (connected to GPIO-RPi)
** I set mine to /dev/ttyAMA0

check/set in the NextionDriver part
Port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (for USB adapter) or /dev/ttyAMA0 (connected to the GPIO pins of RPi)****
** I set mine to /dev/ttyAMA0

LogLevel: 2
DataFilesPath: /usr/local/etc/
GroupsFile: groups.txt
DMRidFile: stripped.csv
Reboot your hotspot.

After rebooting my hotspot,

Configuration screen MMDVM Host Configuration:
MMDVM Display: Type: Nextion Port: /dev/ttyAMA0 Nextion Layout: ON7LDS L3

Modes Enabled are RED for D-Star and DMR
Network Status is GREEN for D-Star Net and RED for DMR Net

I have tried all the layouts.

I thought I did something wrong and so I reinstalled Pi-Star from a fresh image and configured it so it was working up to the point of installing the Nextion Driver. Carefully checking each step, I reinstalled it again and got the same results. I am running Pi-Star 3.4.16

At this point my hotspot is unresponsive. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance!!

Manny - KB4NC

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 11:25 pm
by KB4NC
Well my problem went away after I upgraded to the Pi-Star_RPi_V3.4.16_24-Dec-2018 image and reinstalled the NextionDriver. I've now got it working properly. (fingers crossed!)


Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:39 pm
by AK9F
I was able to install the Nextion Driver using the new installer but it left the Pi-Star system in the R/W state.
When I manually try to execute the rpi-ro command or when this command is executed, for example, by the "Update" process, an error "mount: / is busy" is displayed. How can I get the sd card back into the RO mode?

Re: Problem Installing ON7LDS Nextion Driver

Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2019 3:15 pm
AK9F wrote: Fri Feb 22, 2019 2:39 pm How can I get the sd card back into the RO mode?
Some things that might work:
  • Run a Pi-Star Upgrade, even if you're on the most recent version.
  • Reboot. If it doesn't start up in ro mode, run another Pi-Star Update and another Pi-Star Upgrade.
  • Shut down and fully power off your hotspot, then power it back on. If it doesn't start up in ro mode, run another Pi-Star Update and another Pi-Star Upgrade.