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TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 2:05 pm
by N8JDM
I'm using the PD0DIB "Model 8" screen for a 2.4" Nextion. Everything works fine except that on the TX/RX details screen some of the fields aren't filling in - and most of them are already in use on the main screen. For example, on the D-STAR screen, all of the data on the left-side of the screen such as Callsign, URCALL, Reflector, etc. shows up just fine. However data on the right like Tx freq, Rx freq, and CPU temp don't appear. All of the fields are on the main screen and show up correctly. I looked at the .HMI file in the editor and it's set to the same text label fields on both screens. Any thoughts?

Re: TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Mon Sep 02, 2019 11:15 pm
by N8JDM
Sorry, I should have included that I am using the Nextion driver. The main screen which has items provided by the nextiondriver device show up, it's only on the mode-specific TX/RX screens that the same values don't appear.

Re: TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 12:15 am
by N8JDM
Thanks for the input. This image is fairly fresh but something clearly isn't working right. The NextionDriver is running and Pi-Star is correctly configured to use it but after a restart once the screen has just stopped responding at all. So something is amiss and I may just restart.

I am using a USB TTL adapter *cp210x" so I was using the "HS" version of the screen. I'll work on testing (or rebuilding) using the non-HS version of the screen.

I appreciate the offer on the custom driver but I could hack it up myself if I wanted, but that's too much work. I don't care about the screen THAT much, I just though I'd try one of the fancier screens just as a show-off component. I'm building a mobile kit containing a PiStar/DVMega digital hostpost and an Allstar/Baofeng analog FM hotspot together in a small equipment box - both including a 13000 mAh battery to power everything. So it's kinda utilitarian but also to show off a little. But if it's too unstable I'll just go back to the plan screens.

Re: TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:28 pm
by N8JDM
KE7FNS wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:06 am I'm kinda curious about you mentioning it needing a restart. Can you elaborate on that some more? Like what is happening and when?
So running 3.1.4 I had the nextiondriver installed and running just fine. Survived several restarts of the system. However at some point a day or so after I had built it and running, the screen just stopped updating with any information. After another reboot, the screen (PD0DIB) just said "Connecting..." and never did anything. The /dev/ttyUSB0 device was there and worked, but in the log the NextionDriver process kept saying there was "no detected screen" when it started. I tried a different TTL chip, I recompiled the binary (just because; I didn't expect it to change anything), I messed around with the mmdvdm configuration, etc. and nothing would resurrect it. I finally got it back at one point for a reboot and then it went away again.

So, I got annoyed with it and just wiped it and loaded 4.1.0-RC4 and am setting it up again. We'll see how it goes.
KE7FNS wrote: Thu Sep 05, 2019 11:06 am If you know how and have all the prereqs to compile the NextionDriver, its not a hack at all, its simply adding one define statement to unlock the code section and recompiling. Its the setup that I dread trying to explain and teach to someone.
No tutorial necessary. :D Are you referring to the #define XTRA flag in NextionDriver.h or something else? I only did a very cursory inspection for what define you were referring to.

Re: TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:57 pm
by N8JDM
So far, Pi-Star 4.1.0-rc4 with nextiondriver is working perfectly.

Re: TX/RX Screens Not Showing All Fields?

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2019 12:03 pm
by N8JDM
Thanks for the info. The RPi is a 3B so there wasn't any of the 0/W problems. So far so good *fingers crossed*. I"ll try the XTRA flag at some point this weekend after I've seen this been stable for a few days.