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How to link to a Repeater?

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2021 8:52 pm
by G5TV
Hi All,
Been at this for a few days now.
I want to link my jumbo spot to a D Star repeater. I'm using a 9700 and i can use reflectors no bother. I can send GB7HU BL and i get the linked response from the repeater but no one can hear me and i can not hear anyone else on the repeater. I have tried everything but no luck. Am i trying to do the impossible or missing something?
Regards Brent G5TV

Re: How to link to a Repeater?

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2021 1:00 am
by VK5BB
Hi Brent,
Has some helped you with this problem as yet?
Or, have you solved the problem?
If not, I can possibly help.
One thing, if you wish to use the 9700 to talk through your hot spot, make sure you set up the radio for operation through a Pi-Star based hot spot.
Make sure that you have set the frequency offset for duplex but with Zero frequency offset. Does not matter whether for + or -.
Once you have linked to your destination, you need to reload the UR: address field with CQCQCQ.

If you are using the DR mode, do NOT use the "Local CQ" instead select, 'Reflector', 'Use reflector'. This will load CQCQCQ into the UR: Address line and also will allow the R2: address line to be loaded and used.

If in conventional DV mode, select the CQCQCQ from the "Your Select" menu.

Let me know if you still having problems and I can contact you off line and "talk" you through this.

73, Ben VK5BB