Installed fresh pi-star image:
Assembled a Pi Zero with Jstvro Duplex MMDVM.
Configured Pi-Star just like my other hotspots, except new hostid/ESSID/BM-token.
After 30 seconds DMR connection to the servers (BM/DMR+) failed.
dmrgateway wasn't running anymore.
"systemctl start dmrgateway.service"
did start indeed the binary but after about 30 seconds systemctl reports:
dmrgateway.service: Start operation timed out. Terminating.
Changed in file "/lib/systemd/system/dmrgateway.service":
After that systemd detected the dmrgateway process correctly as running.
I'm sure, the real problem is elsewhere because other pi-star implementations run with Type=forking.
dmrgateway killed by systemd
Re: dmrgateway killed by systemd
This worked for me. Thanks for sharing!