After Several Years of successfully running a P25 reflector with an ISP I had for years-I switched to 1GB Fiber In the last two weeks and lost the static IP address I had. I use a Dynamic IP with a client that seems to work fine for everything I use to access things while away. I submitted a change to P25Hosts.txt and that went fine. Everything I have port forwarding wise worked EXCEPT the Reflector/Hotspot. Port 41000 I couldn't enter in their App thats needed to set it up-(Can't set this up directly in Router)-Its the ONE port that wouldn't work so no traffic over port 41000 at all. I spent the week on the phone with tech support with zero results. So today I changed the Port in the P25Reflector.ini to port 41001-and set up a test TG within the Hotspot. I set up port forwarding and viola--Everything works again. I can link and transmit fine-(Other Then no other connections but mine)- I see others within the P25Hosts.txt with different Port numbers other then 41000-so my question is before I Submit another pull request with the changes-are there any issues with running this different port?
Thanks in advance!
New ISP and Port Forward
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