ICOM FR4000 with RB STM32-DVM - incomplete POCSAG message

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ICOM FR4000 with RB STM32-DVM - incomplete POCSAG message

Post by K2EAR » Sun May 07, 2023 5:52 am

I am having an issue (own 2 ICOM FR4000) on my repeaters using Repeater-Builder STM32-DVM where the repeater truncates the POCSAG message with a tail noise like a "clip" and pager does not recognizes the end of transmission so it does not display the message. Several times I have gotten a message, but with either missing or extra characters at the end.

Does Pi-Star use RemoteCommand to encode these POCSAG messages? If so, can a 1/4 or 1/2 second "blank" tail somehow be added to the transmission of the POCSAG message? Or extend the PTT signal so it releases it after a given time? I believe this will fix the problem I am having. I tuned to my repeater frequency in FM and I can hear the digital message with the "noise" at the end.

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